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Love working with kids, being outdoors, and sharing your passion for the environment? Join the BZS Summer Aqua Camps as a: - Aqua Camp Counsellor- Aqua Camp Assistant- After-Camp Counsellor & Assistant   Make a splash this summer while inspiring young minds!   Give them a call or vist their website for more info.

by Yabsta
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1 result found in Bermuda for bermuda volunteers
St. David's Battery, Saint David's Island


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Bermuda Is Love is a charity in Bermuda that is dedicated to helping our community. They strive to promote collaboration, responsibility, activism, and love, for our community and the environment. Every week they host many volunter...
., City of Hamilton, Bermuda
Bermuda Zoological Society is a support charity for the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo. We are a registered charity accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.   We fund community outreach projects, public events,...
40 North Shore Rd., Smith's Parish, Bermuda, FL 04


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Discover what you can do, as an islander or visitor, to help protect and preserve our beautiful local beaches!
The Bermuda Turtle Project is the longest running green sea turtle conservation programme in the world.
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